Back in the Land of the Living

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Cardinal 2, Kindle DimensionsHi everyone!  I took a much-needed break from the computer, after launching my two novels in November – The Cardinal, Part One and Part Two!  The response has been great – one reader even compared the novel to the Hobbit and the Indiana Jones sagas!  It’s an interesting “juxtaposition” for me as the author to be compared to such works… I would never presume to say it, but if readers draw that comparison then it proves that the novel has taken on a life of its own.  That’s part of the letting go process for the author; it’s hard to let your baby go, and allow it to form opinions in others’ minds that might be different to how I envisioned the character; but if I did my job right, their image is not much different than my own, at the end of the day.  My aim at writing a visually rich landscape may be what led to that Hobbity comparison…  For more information, check out the Cardinal page!

Now that the books are out, I’m still involved with them – marketing, updating online bibliographies, etc.  Once the dust settles with that aspect, I can sink my teeth into the next project:  The third book of the Northing Trilogy.  This book will take me back to the workhouse orphanages of Britain in the mid-18th century, as well as aboard a military ship; it will be dealing with aspects of lives at the opposite ends of the social scale, how they collide and how they converge.  A lot of my research will end up splashing out here on Undusted!  This week I’ve been outlining Acts 1-3, and already the list of research questions to answer warrants a trip to London.  It’s a rough life, being an author… So now that I’m back in the land of the living, I look forward to blogging and researching, and sinking my teeth into the next epic tale!

About Trinity

A melancholic pragmatist with a wide streak of mischief and an active imagination that turns into novels.

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